Hello folks ! This is libmikmod, version 3.3.11, a portable sound library for DOS. Comments & feedback are welcome. >> BUILDING LIBMIKMOD --------------------- - If you're not building libmikmod for DOS, then you're lost in the sources. Go up one directory, and read the main README file. This port has been designed to work only with DJGPP compiler. However, it should not be too complex to make it compile with any other compiler. If you manage to make libmikmod compile and work with another compiler, we'd like to hear from you. You'll likely have to write an appropiate makefile, or build things manually ... If you have all proper tools installed, just type make -f Makefile.dj To make your library ready to use, copy the files 'libmikmod.a' and 'include/mikmod.h' to your '%DJGPP%/lib' and '%DJGPP%/include' directories respectively. HTML documentation of the library, for programmers, is located in the doc directory. >> SUPPORTED SOUNDCARDS ----------------------- Currently three brands of sound cards are supported under DOS: - Gravis Ultrasound and compatibles. Not tested with Interwave cards. If somebody has one and can debug the code under Interwave, please drop us a note (see email at bottom). - SoundBlaster and compatibles. There is only one driver that supports all flavours of SoundBlasters: + SB original (8-bit mono, 22KHz) + SB 2.0 (DMA autoinit mode -> less clicks, 44KHz 8-bit mono). + SB Pro (8-bit 22KHz stereo, 8-bit 44KHz mono) + SB 16+ (8- and 16-bit stereo, up to 44Khz both) Note that SB16 should cover AWE32/64 as well... - Windows Sound System and compatibles. Most today SoundBlaster clones (including the CS4236B card used for testing) emulates (in hardware) WSS. That's because Creative Labs copyrighted the SB16 interface and thus clonemakers cannot do similar hardware without violating their rights, so most of them only emulate SB Pro (see above). WSS supports up to 44KHz 16-bit stereo. The following playback rates (in both 8- and 16-bit) are supported: 5510, 6620, 8000, 9600, 11025, 16000, 18900, 22050, 27420, 32000, 33075, 37800, 44100 and 48000 Hz. >> THANKS --------- We would like to thank everyone who contributed to libmikmod. Their names are in the AUTHORS file for the significative contributions, but some other names can be found in the NEWS file. Thanks a lot ! Keeping libmikmod alive wouldn't be much fun without you. >> LICENSE ---------- The libmikmod sound library is covered by the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Fundation (you'll find it in the file COPYING.LIB) ; either version 2 of the licence, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1, in file COPYING.LESSER, can be considered as a later version of the LGPL, and is strongly recommended for people who will embed libmikmod in their application as a shared library. >> CONTACT AND DOWNLOAD INFO ---------------------------- libmikmod home page is located at SourceForge: http://mikmod.sourceforge.net/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/mikmod/ There's a mailing list (mikmod-public) for discussing the development of MikMod (new features, bugs, ideas...) Look for more information on the web site. Things related to the DOS port should also be forwarded to the DOS ``portmaster'', Andrew Zabolotny, at: bit@eltech.ru >> LAST NOTES ------------- We hope you'll enjoy using this version of libmikmod as well as we enjoyed debugging and improving it. -- Miodrag ("Miod") Vallat, 10/19/1999 miodrag@mikmod.darkorb.net Andrew Zabolotny bit@eltech.ru