>> BUILD INSTRUCTIONS FOR libmikmod FOR MAC OS X ------------------------------------------------ You can always use the UNIX commandline tools instead of the IDE projects in this directory. Go to the top level and follow the INSTALL there... (Hint: "./configure && make && sudo make install") In that case your files will end up under /usr/local. The IDE stuff will end up under a "build" directory. You can also play with the standalone Makefile.darwin file here in this directory, in order to build from the command line. (Hint: "gmake -f Makefile.darwin" ) XCode on Mac OS X 10.3 and newer: ------------- 1) You should be using Xcode 2.x, or up. 2) Open "libmikmod.xcodeproj" with the Xcode app. Build products -------------- The projects will build a static library with header: - mikmod.h - libmikmod.a And they will also build a dynamic framework bundle: - mikmod.framework These build products are normally found in the "build" folder, unless you have changed your IDE settings... Using the library ---------------- To use the library, either copy "mikmod.framework" bundle to somewhere in your framework search path, (such as ~/Library/Frameworks or /Library/Frameworks) Source code: #include Linker flags: -framework mikmod Or copy the "mikmod.h" header and "libmikmod.a" library to somewhere in the include and library search paths. (such as /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib) Source code: #include "mikmod.h" Linker flags: -lmikmod -framework CoreAudio The HTML documentation is found in the "docs" folder, located in the top level of the libmikmod distribution. Enjoy! Anders F Bjšrklund http://www.algonet.se/~afb/mikmod