Hello folks ! This is libmikmod, version 3.3.11, a portable sound library for Unix. Check out the file 'NEWS' for more history information. >> BUILDING LIBMIKMOD --------------------- - If you're not building libmikmod for Windows, then you're lost in the sources. Go up one directory, and read the main README file. So, you're on an angry fruit salad Windows system, aren't you ? With those so cute icons and an overflowed system tray ? Currently, libmikmod can be build under Windows with the Microsoft compiler, lcc-win32 and MinGW (I suppose that the Watcom compiler and Metrowerks Codewarrior could be used as well). You'll need the DirectX SDK (if not included with the compiler) to compile the DirectSound driver; version 5 or better is required. The standard Win32 SDK is enough for the winmm driver. Oh, I almost forgot: you need long filenames to compile libmikmod, but that should not be a problem nowadays. -- Instructions for Microsoft Compiler Use one of the project files to build a dll and an import library: MSVC6 for the old Visual C 6, or VS2005 for Visual Studio 2005 and newer. To make your library ready to use, copy the file 'mikmod.h' to your compiler include directory, and 'mikmod.lib` to your compiler libraries directory. You also have to put 'libmikmod.dll' somewhere in your PATH. HTML documentation of the library, for programmers, is located in the doc directory. -- Instructions for lcc-win32 Use Makefile.lcc -- Instructions for MingGW Use Makefile.mingw >> THANKS --------- I would like to thank everyone who contributed to libmikmod. Their names are in the AUTHORS file for the significative contributions, but some other names can be found in the NEWS file. Thanks a lot ! Keeping libmikmod alive wouldn't be much fun without you. >> LICENSE ---------- The libmikmod sound library is covered by the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Fundation (you'll find it in the file COPYING.LIB); either version 2 of the licence, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1, in file COPYING.LESSER, can be considered as a later version of the LGPL, and is strongly recommended for people who will embed libmikmod in their application as a shared library. Parts of the library (in playercode/mdulaw.c) are derived from the files libst.h and raw.c from an old version of the sox (SOund eXchange) package written by Lance Norskog and Jef Poskanzer. The following copyright notice applies to these parts: Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Note that none of these parts are used in the Win32 version of the libmikmod library. >> CONTACT AND DOWNLOAD INFO ---------------------------- libmikmod home page is located at SourceForge: http://mikmod.sourceforge.net/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/mikmod/ There's a mailing list (mikmod-public) for discussing the development of MikMod (new features, bugs, ideas...) Look for more information on the web site. >> LAST NOTES ------------- I hope you'll enjoy using this version of libmikmod as well as I enjoyed debugging and improving it. -- Miod Vallat, 01/24/2002 miod@mikmod.org