* For XAudio2 support you need xaudio2.h (DirectX SDK June 2010 has xaudio2_7). Add DRV_XAUDIO2 among your preprocessor definitions. If you want xaudio2_8 for Windows 8 and newer, then: - also add DRV_XAUDIO28 among the preprocessor definitions, - make sure that xaudio2.h is from Windows 8 or newer sdk, - change properties of drv_xaudio2.c and choose "Compile as C++". * For OpenAL support you need OpenAL 1.1 SDK: Add DRV_OPENAL among your preprocessor definitions, and add OpenAL32.lib among your link libraries. (See drv_openal.c for notes about OpenAL header location issues, if necessary. ) * For SSE2 support: Add MIKMOD_SIMD among your preprocessor definitions. (the SIMD code is unstable at present: *NOT* recommended.)