*  Welcome on wirefull.org
 *  This site is also accessible on gopher:
 *  gopher://wirefull.org with or without TLS on the same port
 *  -_- Contact info -_-
 *  email: fosco _at_ fosconetwork.org
 *  irc: fosco on irc.geeknode.org or irc.libera.chat
 *  xmpp: fosco@xmpp.wirefull.org
 *  PGP Key fingerprint: BB18 54D5 2843 D23C 3069 CCED DEEE F150 B565 2199
 *  -_- Personal area -_-
 *  My win32s programs
 *  ACT (ffxiv) overlay in bash
 *  My irssi scripts
 *  -_- Professional area -_-
 *  I offer hosting and server/PC maintenance as a way of living.
 *  Business registered with SIRET number 75210531200017
 *  If you are interested, please contact me by e-mail or IRC, in french or english.
 *  Mumble hosting
 *  Server maintenance
 *  PC maintenance

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